Public Consultation

White Rose Development Plan Amendment Application (South White Rose Extension Tie-Back Project)

February 5, 2013

All responses will be posted to the C-NLOPB website. The responses will not be treated as being confidentially submitted and will be posted in the official language in which they were provided. All identifying information will be removed except the name under which the documents were submitted.

If a third party is to be referenced in the documentation, the respondent should first obtain the consent of any third party before making the submission to the C-NLOPB.

The C-NLOPB takes no responsibility in relation to the content of the documentation provided by respondents.

The Board reserves the right to withhold from publication comments that are deemed to be spam or unrelated to the White Rose Development Plan Amendment Application (South White Rose Extension Tie-Back Project).

Comments must be received at either of the noted addresses found in the following News Release. Comments forwarded to any other address or staff of the C-NLOPB will not be considered.

Closed Public Consultations