News Releases 2020

A Message from the CEO

For Immediate Release
April 3, 2020

This message can also be found on our YouTube Channel and our Twitter account, @CNLOPB.

While the unprecedented challenges posed worldwide by COVID-19 have required changes in how we at the C-NLOPB deliver our regulatory oversight, our top priorities remain the safety of offshore workers and the protection of our environment.

Even as the industry we regulate grapples with low oil prices, offshore production and exploration are continuing, here as they are worldwide. These are key activities that provide critical revenues and help to sustain the economy of our province and our country when so many are struggling.

Organizationally, as the pandemic escalated last month we quickly implemented remote work procedures so we could do our part to help flatten the curve.

We have developed a medium-term, refocused workplan that reflects our current realities, featuring enhanced regulatory oversight of operator plans and procedures to address the risks of COVID-19. We have also exercised appropriate discretion and flexibility in reducing non-urgent administrative burdens on those we regulate.

Our Board is meeting weekly and we are in continuous discussions with operators and governments. We have also helped lead the sharing of information and best practices among members of the International Regulators Forum.

We are assessing the next steps for our Scheduled Land Tenure processes and will have more to say about our plans in that regard in the next few weeks.

I would like to thank our staff for their continued dedication and resilience, and their tireless efforts to ensure that we are able to continue to regulate the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area in the public interest.

Let’s all do our part to stay safe and healthy, and help others do the same.

Scott Tessier
Chief Executive Officer

News Releases 2020

2020, Nov 4C-NLOPB Releases Results for 2020 Call for Bids
2020, Sep 15C-NLOPB Issues Temporary Suspension of Order Respecting Essential Employees
2020, Sep 9C-NLOPB Issues Final Sector Design for Scheduled Land Tenure – Eastern Newfoundland Region
2020, Sep 9C-NLOPB Announces 2020 Call for Nominations (Parcels)
2020, Aug 20NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS – No. NL20-CFB01 (Eastern Newfoundland) RE: Amendment to Terms and Conditions – Allowable Expenditure Calculations and Credit
2020, Jun 11C-NLOPB Issues New Sector Information for Scheduled Land Tenure – Eastern Newfoundland Region
2020, Jun 11C-NLOPB Announces 2020 Call for Bids in the Eastern Newfoundland Region
2020, Apr 9C-NLOPB Response to COVID-19 – April 9 Update
2020, Apr 3A Message from the CEO
2020, Mar 24C-NLOPB Response to COVID-19 – March 24 Update
2020, Mar 22C-NLOPB Issues Order Respecting Essential Employees
2020, Mar 17Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board Response to Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
2020, Jan 20Chief Safety Officer Issues Second Order to Suncor Energy and Commences Formal Enquiry
2020, Jan 15Chief Safety Officer Issues Order to Suncor Energy
2020, Jan 9C-NLOPB Issues Call for Nominations for Areas of Interest (Eastern Newfoundland)