Blog 2018

C-NLOPB Continues to Give Back
Lesley Rideout, Communications Lead

December 20, 2018

As a working mom to two little girls, to say that I sometimes forget to look at what’s in front of me, outside of my job and family, is a bit of an understatement.  Part of my job is to read the news (which isn’t always pleasant!), and it’s nice to have a reminder every now and then about the good that takes place, all the time, all around us.

My phenomenal colleagues continue to contribute to our community in many ways, to many worthwhile causes. They don’t look for thanks or recognition, so we are fortunate to have others who celebrate their efforts. We’d like to take some time again this year to recognize the huge contributions our staff make every day, outside of their daily work.

As a group, C-NLOPB staff:

  • sorted clothing donations for the Gathering Place and covered lunch for a day through their Noon Meal Program;
  • helped bag food in the kitchen and pantry of Bridges to Hope;
  • raised almost $10,000 for Shave for the Brave;
  • sponsored two, single parent families for Christmas through the Single Parents Association of Newfoundland;
  • supported the Humboldt Broncos and their families;
  • made a donation to Spirit Horse NL and got an opportunity to help with chores; and
  • for one of our newest staff members, continued to play a significant role in the Calvert Masters Golf Tournament in aid of the Janeway Foundation. This year alone the tournament raised $49,000, and in the nine years since inception has raised a total of $512,000 for the Janeway and the Cancer Care Foundation!

C-NLOPB staff serve as:

  • volunteers with youth sports teams, such as hockey, basketball, softball and soccer;
  • volunteers with their children’s schools and various youth organizations such as Girl Guides and Scouts; and
  • Board members who directly contribute to, and enhance our vibrant arts and science communities, such as Atlantic Light Theatre, Choral NL, Newman Sound Men’s Choir and Manuels River Natural Heritage Society Inc.

And C-NLOPB staff contribute:

  • significant effort and money year round improving the lives of both children and animals, specifically with the Sick Kids Foundation, CHEO, the Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada and the SPCA; and
  • time working with professional societies such as the Chartered Professionals in Human Resources, the Canadian Society of Professional Engineers, the Canadian Public Relations Society and the Canadian Bar Association.

The thing is, I know this is only a small fraction of what actually gets done. There are also people who go without being recognized for their continuing contributions and we’ll never get a full picture of just how much of an impact this group of 98 people make. My colleagues continue to amaze me with their dedication to both work and community. I have seen first-hand, the care and due-diligence staff place on safety, the protection of the environment, Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador benefits and the effective management of offshore lands and resources. They continue to give their best within their communities and at work, and we are fortunate to have each and every one of them here at the C-NLOPB.

Blog 2018

Dec 20, 2018C-NLOPB Continues to Give Back
Jul 5, 2018Update on C-NLOPB Activities – Summer 2018
Feb 21, 2018Public Disclosure of Incidents